Kodu 互动编程

帖子: 3988
注册时间: 2019年 10月 21日 13:48

Kodu 互动编程


帖子 shaoziyang »


Resource. BBC micro:bit and Kodu
Learn programming tiles that allows Kodu and the BBC micro:bit to interact.

Project 1: Capture Love
Create a Kodu World using the BBC micro:bit accelerometer and buttons, wired controller, or keyboard/mouse.

Project 2: Jump
Create a multiplayer Kodu World using the BBC micro:bit, wired controller, or keyboard/mouse for Player 1 and Player 2.

Project 3: Reach Castle
Create a Kodu World with game effects using the BBC micro:bit Show Pattern and Pattern.

Project 4: Bucket Toss
Create a Kodu World with using the BBC micro:bit shake, wired controller, or keyboard/mouse.

Project 5: Twinkle
Create a complex Kodu World with game effects using the BBC micro:bit Show Pattern and Pattern.

Project 6: Underwater Explorer
Create a storytelling Kodu world with using the BBC micro:bit, Say and Hear.

Project 7: Stoplight
Create a Kodu world to control the Sky in game using the BBC micro:bit PO and P1 on the BBC micro:bit and a photoresistor.

Project 8: Finding Sputnik
Create a storytelling Kodu world using the BBC micro:bit PO and a photoresistor that effects Kodu Say and Hear.

Project 9: Air Hockey
Create a multiplayer Kodu world using the BBC micro:bit, wired controller, or keyboard.


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